Our intrepid protagonist. Born and raised on the dark side of the moon (no relation to Pink Floyd), he now resides on Earth. In-cog-nito. In broad daylight to report back to his lunar peeps for their favourite pastime— playing practical jokes on Earthlings.
Spud's ex-girlfriend. While she'll never admit to still having feelings for him, her fellow females are warned never to even think about looking at Spud.
A spy hailing from a moon of Uranus. This rival civilization is pent up on revealing Spud's peeps' favourite pastime to Earth. But they are quite a bumbling bunch.
The narrator and beaver that lives in the tree in Spud's backyard on Earth. This is the comic pages, what did you expect?
A jazzy feline quartet that can never finish a concert because they always end up fighting on stage. From left to right: